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Data wrangling in Pandas and Spark - Time series of energy production

An important part of the everyday tasks of a data scientist is data wrangling. Input data must be accessed, retrieved, understood, and transformed before machine learning can be applied to create predictive models. While most talk is around deep learning these days, this less sexy topic is arguably more important for real life situations.

A common example of data wrangling is dealing with time series data and resample this data to custom time periods. The python library Pandas is well suited to this task, but what if the data volume is in the range of terabytes or larger? This blog post introduces Spark dataframes and shows how to perform the same data manipulation on Spark dataframes and Pandas dataframes.

In [1]:
from __future__ import print_function

import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import dates as dates
from IPython.display import display

import customcolors # private class for colors

%matplotlib inline

Input data

The data we will use for this exercise is publicly available data from Swissgrid, the national energy grid company in Switzerland. As the owner of Switzerland's extra-high-voltage grid, it is responsible for the safe operation of the grid without discrimination, and for maintaining, modernizing and expanding the grid efficiently and with respect for the environment.

First we import the data into a Pandas dataframe and take a look at what data we were given:

In [2]:
url = ''
df = pd.read_excel(url, sheetname='Zeitreihen0h15')
df.drop(['Zeitstempel'], inplace=True)
df = df.apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='coerce', axis=1)
print (
display (df.describe())

Index: 23324 entries, 2017-01-01 00:15:00 to 2017-09-01 00:00:00
Data columns (total 64 columns):
Summe endverbrauchte Energie Regelblock Schweiz
Total energy consumed by end users in the Swiss controlblock    23324 non-null float64
Summe produzierte Energie Regelblock Schweiz
Total energy production Swiss controlblock                         23324 non-null float64
Summe verbrauchte Energie Regelblock Schweiz
Total energy consumption Swiss controlblock                        23324 non-null float64
Netto Ausspeisung aus dem Übertragungsnetz Schweiz
Net outflow of the Swiss transmission grid                   23324 non-null float64
Vertikale Einspeisung ins Übertragungsnetz Schweiz
Grid feed-in Swiss transmission grid                         23324 non-null float64
Positive Sekundär-Regelenergie
Positive secundary control energy                                                23324 non-null float64
Negative Sekundär-Regelenergie
Negative secundary control energy                                                23324 non-null float64
Positive Tertiär-Regelenergie
Positive tertiary control energy                                                  23324 non-null float64
Negative Tertiär-Regelenergie
Negative tertiary control energy                                                  23324 non-null float64
Verbundaustausch CH->AT
Cross Border Exchange CH->AT                                                            23324 non-null float64
Verbundaustausch AT->CH
Cross Border Exchange AT->CH                                                            23324 non-null float64
Verbundaustausch CH->DE
Cross Border Exchange CH->DE                                                            23324 non-null float64
Verbundaustausch DE->CH
Cross Border Exchange DE->CH                                                            23324 non-null float64
Verbundaustausch CH->FR
Cross Border Exchange CH->FR                                                            23324 non-null float64
Verbundaustausch FR->CH
Cross Border Exchange FR->CH                                                            23324 non-null float64
Verbundaustausch CH->IT
Cross Border Exchange CH->IT                                                            23324 non-null float64
Verbundaustausch IT->CH
Cross Border Exchange IT->CH                                                            23324 non-null float64
Transit                                                                                                         23324 non-null float64
Import                                                                                                          23324 non-null float64
Export                                                                                                          23324 non-null float64
Durchschnittliche positive Sekundär-Regelenergie Preise
Average positive secondary control energy prices        23324 non-null float64
Durchschnittliche negative Sekundär-Regelenergie Preise
Average negative secondary control energy prices        23324 non-null float64
Durchschnittliche positive Tertiär-Regelenergie Preise
Average positive tertiary control energy prices          23324 non-null float64
Durchschnittliche negative Tertiär-Regelenergie Preise
Average negative tertiary control energy prices          23324 non-null float64
Produktion Kanton AG
Production Canton AG                                                                       23324 non-null float64
Verbrauch Kanton AG
Consumption Canton AG                                                                       23324 non-null float64
Produktion Kanton FR
Production Canton FR                                                                       23324 non-null float64
Verbrauch Kanton FR
Consumption Canton FR                                                                       23324 non-null float64
Produktion Kanton GL
Production Canton GL                                                                       23324 non-null float64
Verbrauch Kanton GL
Consumption Canton GL                                                                       23324 non-null float64
Produktion Kanton GR
Production Canton GR                                                                       23324 non-null float64
Verbrauch Kanton GR
Consumption Canton GR                                                                       23324 non-null float64
Produktion Kanton LU
Production Canton LU                                                                       23324 non-null float64
Verbrauch Kanton LU
Consumption Canton LU                                                                       23324 non-null float64
Produktion Kanton NE
Production Canton NE                                                                       23324 non-null float64
Verbrauch Kanton NE
Consumption Canton NE                                                                       23324 non-null float64
Produktion Kanton SO
Production Canton SO                                                                       23324 non-null float64
Verbrauch Kanton SO
Consumption Canton SO                                                                       23324 non-null float64
Produktion Kanton SG
Production Canton SG                                                                       23324 non-null float64
Verbrauch Kanton SG
Consumption Canton SG                                                                       23324 non-null float64
Produktion Kanton TI
Production Canton TI                                                                       23324 non-null float64
Verbrauch Kanton TI
Consumption Canton TI                                                                       23324 non-null float64
Produktion Kanton TG
Production Canton TG                                                                       23324 non-null float64
Verbrauch Kanton TG
Consumption Canton TG                                                                       23324 non-null float64
Produktion Kanton VS
Production Canton VS                                                                       23324 non-null float64
Verbrauch Kanton VS
Consumption Canton VS                                                                       23324 non-null float64
Produktion Kantone AI, AR
Production Cantons AI, AR                                                             23324 non-null float64
Verbrauch Kantone AI, AR
Consumption Cantons AI, AR                                                             23324 non-null float64
Produktion Kantone BL, BS
Production Cantons BL, BS                                                             23324 non-null float64
Verbrauch Kantone BL, BS
Consumption Cantons BL, BS                                                             23324 non-null float64
Produktion Kantone BE, JU
Production Cantons BE, JU                                                             23324 non-null float64
Verbrauch Kantone BE, JU
Consumption Cantons BE, JU                                                             23324 non-null float64
Produktion Kantone SZ, ZG
Production Cantons SZ, ZG                                                             23324 non-null float64
Verbrauch Kantone SZ, ZG
Consumption Cantons SZ, ZG                                                             23324 non-null float64
Produktion Kantone OW, NW, UR
Production Cantons OW, NW, UR                                                     23324 non-null float64
Verbrauch Kantone OW, NW, UR
Consumption Cantons OW, NW, UR                                                     23324 non-null float64
Produktion Kantone GE, VD
Production Cantons GE, VD                                                             23324 non-null float64
Verbrauch Kantone GE, VD
Consumption Cantons GE, VD                                                             23324 non-null float64
Produktion Kantone SH, ZH
Production Cantons SH, ZH                                                             23324 non-null float64
Verbrauch Kantone SH, ZH
Consumption Cantons SH, ZH                                                             23324 non-null float64
Produktion Kantonsübergreifend
Production across Cantons                                                        23324 non-null float64
Verbrauch Kantonsübergreifend
Consumption across Cantons                                                        23324 non-null float64
Produktion Regelzone CH - Ausländische Gebiete
Production control area CH - foreign territories                 23324 non-null float64
Verbrauch Regelzone CH - Ausländische Gebiete
Consumption control area CH - foreign territories                 23324 non-null float64
dtypes: float64(64)
memory usage: 11.6+ MB
Summe endverbrauchte Energie Regelblock Schweiz Total energy consumed by end users in the Swiss controlblock Summe produzierte Energie Regelblock Schweiz Total energy production Swiss controlblock Summe verbrauchte Energie Regelblock Schweiz Total energy consumption Swiss controlblock Netto Ausspeisung aus dem Übertragungsnetz Schweiz Net outflow of the Swiss transmission grid Vertikale Einspeisung ins Übertragungsnetz Schweiz Grid feed-in Swiss transmission grid Positive Sekundär-Regelenergie Positive secundary control energy Negative Sekundär-Regelenergie Negative secundary control energy Positive Tertiär-Regelenergie Positive tertiary control energy Negative Tertiär-Regelenergie Negative tertiary control energy Verbundaustausch CH->AT Cross Border Exchange CH->AT ... Produktion Kantone OW, NW, UR Production Cantons OW, NW, UR Verbrauch Kantone OW, NW, UR Consumption Cantons OW, NW, UR Produktion Kantone GE, VD Production Cantons GE, VD Verbrauch Kantone GE, VD Consumption Cantons GE, VD Produktion Kantone SH, ZH Production Cantons SH, ZH Verbrauch Kantone SH, ZH Consumption Cantons SH, ZH Produktion Kantonsübergreifend Production across Cantons Verbrauch Kantonsübergreifend Consumption across Cantons Produktion Regelzone CH - Ausländische Gebiete Production control area CH - foreign territories Verbrauch Regelzone CH - Ausländische Gebiete Consumption control area CH - foreign territories
count 2.332400e+04 2.332400e+04 2.332400e+04 2.332400e+04 2.332400e+04 23324.000000 23324.000000 23324.000000 23324.000000 23324.000000 ... 23324.000000 23324.000000 23324.000000 23324.000000 23324.000000 23324.000000 23324.000000 23324.000000 23324.000000 23324.000000
mean 1.593932e+06 1.731990e+06 1.807009e+06 2.328525e+05 1.243521e+06 4340.074601 -4570.258103 3203.127680 -4354.991983 13532.953181 ... 31595.476325 24086.363769 76161.389659 228050.767124 26484.497775 262090.034227 75532.894004 59104.245627 2881.729592 19771.154039
std 3.205078e+05 4.885720e+05 2.685633e+05 3.249454e+05 4.039557e+05 9318.500634 9373.320045 9456.763301 11059.461742 24813.468604 ... 17318.778944 5751.354705 39199.796830 42925.652090 5714.876105 53414.182328 23074.226824 17434.538497 1689.043993 4361.777840
min 9.208942e+05 7.947005e+05 1.117634e+06 0.000000e+00 5.234552e+05 0.000000 -95200.000000 0.000000 -88750.000000 0.000000 ... 1821.586000 11759.485000 16973.997000 120725.659000 16610.533000 151934.272000 27396.250000 13131.067000 362.789000 10325.925000
25% 1.330649e+06 1.400675e+06 1.597206e+06 0.000000e+00 9.537414e+05 0.000000 -4600.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ... 17264.621000 19784.920000 48503.758500 198581.431750 22958.668250 220183.979250 59116.868750 45980.104750 1211.170500 16259.536750
50% 1.590471e+06 1.638829e+06 1.780831e+06 5.221323e+04 1.146028e+06 0.000000 -100.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ... 30115.917500 23675.985000 66057.567500 231048.649000 24958.539500 261886.465500 76950.669500 59903.073500 3138.029000 19444.365500
75% 1.798049e+06 2.051011e+06 1.979740e+06 3.658321e+05 1.489164e+06 3900.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 19400.000000 ... 45254.911750 27751.476250 94573.219500 255558.276250 29096.784250 298229.504250 91585.888250 72603.994500 4064.887500 23520.843750
max 2.501306e+06 3.357186e+06 2.641469e+06 1.309385e+06 2.704454e+06 98800.000000 0.000000 113750.000000 0.000000 273000.000000 ... 78966.473000 40305.983000 186498.118000 376404.831000 45514.345000 412174.731000 141673.600000 113814.444000 8082.150000 31638.518000

8 rows × 64 columns

Summe endverbrauchte Energie Regelblock Schweiz Total energy consumed by end users in the Swiss controlblock Summe produzierte Energie Regelblock Schweiz Total energy production Swiss controlblock Summe verbrauchte Energie Regelblock Schweiz Total energy consumption Swiss controlblock Netto Ausspeisung aus dem Übertragungsnetz Schweiz Net outflow of the Swiss transmission grid Vertikale Einspeisung ins Übertragungsnetz Schweiz Grid feed-in Swiss transmission grid Positive Sekundär-Regelenergie Positive secundary control energy Negative Sekundär-Regelenergie Negative secundary control energy Positive Tertiär-Regelenergie Positive tertiary control energy Negative Tertiär-Regelenergie Negative tertiary control energy Verbundaustausch CH->AT Cross Border Exchange CH->AT ... Produktion Kantone OW, NW, UR Production Cantons OW, NW, UR Verbrauch Kantone OW, NW, UR Consumption Cantons OW, NW, UR Produktion Kantone GE, VD Production Cantons GE, VD Verbrauch Kantone GE, VD Consumption Cantons GE, VD Produktion Kantone SH, ZH Production Cantons SH, ZH Verbrauch Kantone SH, ZH Consumption Cantons SH, ZH Produktion Kantonsübergreifend Production across Cantons Verbrauch Kantonsübergreifend Consumption across Cantons Produktion Regelzone CH - Ausländische Gebiete Production control area CH - foreign territories Verbrauch Regelzone CH - Ausländische Gebiete Consumption control area CH - foreign territories
2017-01-01 00:15:00 1659089.647 1070125.185 1769658.748 663532.117746 782636.342 79900.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 17689.802 34281.702 21127.373 193703.757 20974.202 267591.729 33346.900 43895.391 624.820 13648.421
2017-01-01 00:30:00 1649854.573 1062728.852 1755999.820 657153.279653 772462.414 72400.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 15938.283 33941.883 21181.238 189903.775 21062.978 264398.659 32390.725 43147.298 577.188 13795.876
2017-01-01 00:45:00 1677086.704 1097756.391 1787020.023 651561.715656 811001.242 75200.0 0.0 25000.0 0.0 0.0 ... 18603.804 33957.305 21011.788 187117.423 20978.036 285073.981 32023.450 43096.412 582.305 13364.648
2017-01-01 01:00:00 1662763.999 1052546.612 1791103.482 702079.121571 772132.155 25300.0 0.0 25000.0 0.0 0.0 ... 15264.713 33172.214 21014.531 191260.350 20868.608 282076.254 32019.700 42379.035 573.289 13206.982
2017-01-01 01:15:00 1673310.190 1067108.197 1881700.693 776303.600163 803179.657 96900.0 0.0 25000.0 0.0 0.0 ... 24918.682 34987.982 22518.970 242031.240 20824.065 281033.207 33422.050 40557.406 577.445 13091.809

5 rows × 64 columns

The above command can take a while to complete since we are reading in a rather large Excel file directly from Swissgrid's website. The resulting Pandas dataframe contains 64 columns with long header names, sometimes including line breaks. We also note that some columns represent data from a specific Swiss canton, while other columns contains data of two or more cantons summed up. All data is numerical with no null values, so there is no immediate data quality concern. The rows represent snapshots with 15 minute intervals.

Reshaping the data

As we saw above, the input data is already quite tidy. Features are represented by individual columns and every row is a set of measurements. This a good schema for machine learning or data analysis. However, when working with raw data from e.g., IoT devices or log files, things are not served on a silver plate. Let's make the data more "realistic" by creating a long list of energy production measurements at individual cantons, where a measurement consists of

  • a time stamp
  • a categorical identifier
  • a numerical measurement
In [3]:
df_prod = pd.DataFrame(columns=['Cantons', 'Production'])
for c in df.columns:
    if 'Production Canton' in c:
        cantons = c.split('\n')[1].split()[2:] # array
        cantons = ''.join(cantons) # string
        df_temp = pd.DataFrame(index = df.index, columns=['Cantons', 'Production'])
        df_temp.Production = df[c]
        df_temp.Cantons = cantons
        df_prod = df_prod.append(df_temp)
print ('Number of production measurements:', len(df_prod.index))
Number of production measurements: 419832
Cantons Production
2017-01-01 00:15:00 AG 106446.106
2017-01-01 00:30:00 AG 106239.466
2017-01-01 00:45:00 AG 105475.530
2017-01-01 01:00:00 AG 106305.572
2017-01-01 01:15:00 AG 105376.835

We save this "realistic" dataframe of cantonal energy production as a csv file so that we can use it later with Spark.

In [4]:

Resampling time series with Pandas

I am frequently using pandas when analyzing data. The reason for this is the ease at which one can manipulate and select data. Often the simplest way to perform a complex operation on a Excel spreadsheet is to load in pandas, apply the operation, and save the result back to Excel.

One of the great functionalities of pandas dataframes is how it handles time series data. The energy production dataframe we just created uses a DatetimeIndex. This makes it trivial to resample our measurements from 15 min to another time window:

In [5]:
df_prod_wide = df_prod.pivot(columns='Cantons').resample('1 d').sum()
2017-01-01 1.007581e+07 37574.1242 1.543228e+07 1875335.888 646231.117 1949233.240 570507.258 6.571050e+06 690969.805 35468.410 1040403.307 779525.0538 2094439.092 2.501336e+07 267207.970 237273.776 5.167914e+06 2.059601e+07
2017-01-02 1.016658e+07 34973.5790 1.356894e+07 1892859.266 644783.076 4490009.750 2586190.541 1.328532e+07 656256.975 28224.445 895548.660 789520.7560 2084266.622 2.520921e+07 412559.635 244394.139 8.635172e+06 3.134788e+07
2017-01-03 1.010346e+07 28030.4952 1.579446e+07 1853214.587 774534.610 3942522.991 2863386.436 2.291991e+07 588244.725 31070.430 1424926.998 639808.0818 2035817.977 2.524120e+07 666367.559 197080.143 1.210074e+07 3.791779e+07
2017-01-04 1.009379e+07 30497.1866 1.429222e+07 1823853.450 585630.148 5859342.150 1713210.277 2.680257e+07 662951.211 21117.140 1109573.862 872438.8794 2038663.617 2.518198e+07 799216.899 186407.676 1.110332e+07 4.371367e+07
2017-01-05 1.033754e+07 27384.1660 1.318740e+07 1841773.908 619767.195 7338429.485 2218712.145 2.184976e+07 599847.592 21692.755 1034733.329 790560.8480 1992576.499 2.518325e+07 310764.954 167988.894 1.001133e+07 3.996880e+07

Resampling from 15 minutes to 1 day make sense if we want to show the production as a function of time and not have a ridiculous amount of data points along the time axis.

In [6]:
fig, axarr = plt.subplots(1,1, figsize =(12,8))
df_prod_wide.Production[['AG', 'AI,AR', 'BE,JU', 'BL,BS']].plot(ax=axarr, colormap=customcolors.deloitte_colormap())
axarr.set_ylabel('Energy produced per day [kWh/day]')

Working with time series data with Spark

While Pandas is convenient, the fact that it is running on a single machine is limiting its capability to handle big data volumes. We need distributed computing to spread the load across a cluster of worker nodes and avoid loading more data than a single computer can work with. My preferred solution is using Spark on HDFS, and this section will show how the equivalent of the time series resampling with Pandas above can be accomplished with Spark.

Since Spark 2.0 this has become much easier since we can now rely on Spark SQLContext dataframes and the window() command. Spark dataframes were introduced with Spark 1.3 and have now matured to the point that they are replacing the older Spark RDD. Dataframes have the advantage of being faster to process and have a more familiar API for users coming from SQL or Pandas. Rather than repeating all information on what a dataframe is and how it can be used, I encourage readers to read the SQL programming guide.

To try this out by yourself, you can either spin up a Spark cluster on Azure or AWS, run a virtual machine or Docker container, or you can make a standalone installation on your local machine.

In [7]:
from pyspark import SparkContext
from pyspark.sql import SQLContext
from pyspark.sql.functions import *

print (pyspark.__version__)

First we read in the csv file we created earlier. Using the SQLContext this can be achieved in with a single command. inferSchema=True will automatically identify the index column as timestamps. Alternatively the index column can be manually casted: sdf._c0.cast('timestamp').

In [8]:
sqlContext = SQLContext(sc)
sdf ='production.csv', header=True, inferSchema=True) # requires spark 2.0 or later
print ('Number of rows: ' , sdf.count())
Number of rows:  419832
 |-- _c0: timestamp (nullable = true)
 |-- Cantons: string (nullable = true)
 |-- Production: double (nullable = true)

|                 _c0|Cantons|Production|
|2017-01-01 00:15:...|     AG|106446.106|
|2017-01-01 00:30:...|     AG|106239.466|
|2017-01-01 00:45:...|     AG| 105475.53|
|2017-01-01 01:00:...|     AG|106305.572|
|2017-01-01 01:15:...|     AG|105376.835|
|2017-01-01 01:30:...|     AG|106327.519|
|2017-01-01 01:45:...|     AG|106397.274|
|2017-01-01 02:00:...|     AG| 106398.17|
|2017-01-01 02:15:...|     AG|105129.827|
|2017-01-01 02:30:...|     AG|105107.203|
|2017-01-01 02:45:...|     AG|106258.293|
|2017-01-01 03:00:...|     AG|106262.263|
|2017-01-01 03:15:...|     AG|106260.405|
|2017-01-01 03:30:...|     AG|105186.921|
|2017-01-01 03:45:...|     AG|105153.345|
|2017-01-01 04:00:...|     AG|106337.311|
|2017-01-01 04:15:...|     AG|105268.868|
|2017-01-01 04:30:...|     AG|106076.919|
|2017-01-01 04:45:...|     AG|104940.405|
|2017-01-01 05:00:...|     AG|105843.735|
only showing top 20 rows

Once the old DatetimeIndex column is correctly interpreted as a timestamp it is possible to effortlessly extract details from the timestamp. For example, the line below extracts the time of day and the name of weekday as separate columns. It also shows how to combine the two to provide weekday number and time of day as one combined string.

In [9]:'_c0', date_format('_c0', 'HH:mm').alias('time'), date_format('_c0', 'E').alias('weekday'), date_format('_c0', 'u HH:mm').alias('weekdaytime')).show()
|                 _c0| time|weekday|weekdaytime|
|2017-01-01 00:15:...|00:15|    Sun|    7 00:15|
|2017-01-01 00:30:...|00:30|    Sun|    7 00:30|
|2017-01-01 00:45:...|00:45|    Sun|    7 00:45|
|2017-01-01 01:00:...|01:00|    Sun|    7 01:00|
|2017-01-01 01:15:...|01:15|    Sun|    7 01:15|
|2017-01-01 01:30:...|01:30|    Sun|    7 01:30|
|2017-01-01 01:45:...|01:45|    Sun|    7 01:45|
|2017-01-01 02:00:...|02:00|    Sun|    7 02:00|
|2017-01-01 02:15:...|02:15|    Sun|    7 02:15|
|2017-01-01 02:30:...|02:30|    Sun|    7 02:30|
|2017-01-01 02:45:...|02:45|    Sun|    7 02:45|
|2017-01-01 03:00:...|03:00|    Sun|    7 03:00|
|2017-01-01 03:15:...|03:15|    Sun|    7 03:15|
|2017-01-01 03:30:...|03:30|    Sun|    7 03:30|
|2017-01-01 03:45:...|03:45|    Sun|    7 03:45|
|2017-01-01 04:00:...|04:00|    Sun|    7 04:00|
|2017-01-01 04:15:...|04:15|    Sun|    7 04:15|
|2017-01-01 04:30:...|04:30|    Sun|    7 04:30|
|2017-01-01 04:45:...|04:45|    Sun|    7 04:45|
|2017-01-01 05:00:...|05:00|    Sun|    7 05:00|
only showing top 20 rows

Resampling time series with Spark

In the past I had to convert the timestamp to unix_timestamp, round it to the time window boundary, and convert back to timestamp. It worked, but was awkward and cumbersome... With more recent version of Spark this can be done more elegantly, and with a syntax that resembles Pandas resample():

In [10]:
group = sdf.groupBy('Cantons', window("_c0", "1 day")).agg(sum("Production").alias('Sum Production'))
sdf_resampled ="Start"), group.window.end.alias("End"), "Cantons", "Sum Production").orderBy('Start', ascending=True)
 |-- Start: timestamp (nullable = true)
 |-- End: timestamp (nullable = true)
 |-- Cantons: string (nullable = true)
 |-- Sum Production: double (nullable = true)

|               Start|                 End| Cantons|    Sum Production|
|2016-12-31 01:00:...|2017-01-01 01:00:...|   SZ,ZG|          4355.656|
|2016-12-31 01:00:...|2017-01-01 01:00:...|      NE|           1433.12|
|2016-12-31 01:00:...|2017-01-01 01:00:...|      FR|14917.206999999999|
|2016-12-31 01:00:...|2017-01-01 01:00:...|   GE,VD|63320.399000000005|
|2016-12-31 01:00:...|2017-01-01 01:00:...|      SG|        22628.4624|
|2016-12-31 01:00:...|2017-01-01 01:00:...|      TG|          5983.481|
|2016-12-31 01:00:...|2017-01-01 01:00:...|   SH,ZH|         63015.216|
|2016-12-31 01:00:...|2017-01-01 01:00:...|      GL|57300.575000000004|
|2016-12-31 01:00:...|2017-01-01 01:00:...|   BL,BS|         59174.242|
|2016-12-31 01:00:...|2017-01-01 01:00:...|      TI|        213930.758|
|2016-12-31 01:00:...|2017-01-01 01:00:...|      AG|318161.10199999996|
|2016-12-31 01:00:...|2017-01-01 01:00:...|   AI,AR| 639.0346000000001|
|2016-12-31 01:00:...|2017-01-01 01:00:...|      SO|         788508.46|
|2016-12-31 01:00:...|2017-01-01 01:00:...|OW,NW,UR|52231.888999999996|
|2016-12-31 01:00:...|2017-01-01 01:00:...|      GR|        248141.154|
|2016-12-31 01:00:...|2017-01-01 01:00:...|   BE,JU|         522068.77|
|2016-12-31 01:00:...|2017-01-01 01:00:...|      LU|18330.754999999997|
|2016-12-31 01:00:...|2017-01-01 01:00:...|      VS|        668614.759|
|2017-01-01 01:00:...|2017-01-02 01:00:...|      VS|    2.0461922031E7|
|2017-01-01 01:00:...|2017-01-02 01:00:...|      SG|       785312.6816|
only showing top 20 rows

The time columns differ by one hour from the previous ones due to that local time (CET) is UTC + 1 hour.

Just like with Pandas, we can pivot the dataframe to have the daily energy production measurements by canton as individual columns.

In [11]:
sdf_wide = sdf_resampled.groupBy("Start").pivot("Cantons").agg(avg("Sum Production"))
 |-- Start: timestamp (nullable = true)
 |-- AG: double (nullable = true)
 |-- AI,AR: double (nullable = true)
 |-- BE,JU: double (nullable = true)
 |-- BL,BS: double (nullable = true)
 |-- FR: double (nullable = true)
 |-- GE,VD: double (nullable = true)
 |-- GL: double (nullable = true)
 |-- GR: double (nullable = true)
 |-- LU: double (nullable = true)
 |-- NE: double (nullable = true)
 |-- OW,NW,UR: double (nullable = true)
 |-- SG: double (nullable = true)
 |-- SH,ZH: double (nullable = true)
 |-- SO: double (nullable = true)
 |-- SZ,ZG: double (nullable = true)
 |-- TG: double (nullable = true)
 |-- TI: double (nullable = true)
 |-- VS: double (nullable = true)

[Row(Start=datetime.datetime(2016, 12, 31, 1, 0), AG=318161.10199999996, AI,AR=639.0346000000001, BE,JU=522068.77, BL,BS=59174.242, FR=14917.206999999999, GE,VD=63320.399000000005, GL=57300.575000000004, GR=248141.154, LU=18330.754999999997, NE=1433.12, OW,NW,UR=52231.888999999996, SG=22628.4624, SH,ZH=63015.216, SO=788508.46, SZ,ZG=4355.656, TG=5983.481, TI=213930.758, VS=668614.759),
 Row(Start=datetime.datetime(2017, 1, 1, 1, 0), AG=10181572.696999999, AI,AR=37873.508400000006, BE,JU=15577828.093999993, BL,BS=1893298.3760000006, FR=655977.4039999997, GE,VD=1965485.1110000005, GL=590569.458, GR=6564026.570000001, LU=695454.2899999998, NE=36113.68999999998, OW,NW,UR=1012020.1090000004, SG=785312.6816, SH,ZH=2115150.886, SO=25277348.167000007, SZ,ZG=268551.99900000007, TG=238868.153, TI=5127906.498000002, VS=20461922.031)]

Visualize results

To visualize the data we first convert the resampled Spark dataframe to a Pandas dataframe, and rank the cantons by their total energy production since the beginning of the year.

In [12]:
pdf_wide = sdf_wide.toPandas().set_index("Start").divide(1e6) # convert kWh to GWh
print ("Total production by canton [GWh]:")
print (pdf_wide.sum().sort_values(ascending=False))
display (pdf_wide.tail())
fig, axarr = plt.subplots(1,1, figsize =(12,8))
pdf_wide[['AG', 'VS', 'SO', 'BE,JU']].plot(ax=axarr, colormap=customcolors.deloitte_colormap())
axarr.set_ylabel('Energy produced per day [GWh/day]')
Total production by canton [GWh]:
AG          7595.381332
VS          6761.848072
SO          5582.169178
BE,JU       4935.914846
GR          4565.721103
TI          2262.869675
GE,VD       1776.388252
GL           846.119517
OW,NW,UR     736.932890
SH,ZH        617.724426
SG           591.855536
FR           550.580602
BL,BS        548.836063
LU           424.767325
SZ,ZG        268.126934
TG           110.651244
AI,AR         43.602210
NE            21.024362
dtype: float64
2017-08-27 02:00:00 26.684688 0.089646 11.224083 1.850375 0.671459 4.326829 3.685370 8.880586 2.272688 0.026307 2.450664 1.615026 2.541175 25.009497 0.447012 0.347095 5.432692 31.637149
2017-08-28 02:00:00 26.607201 0.109748 20.350693 1.899463 2.645319 7.022427 4.695076 18.564002 2.163915 0.034941 3.066084 3.117943 2.601915 25.037800 0.599931 0.369885 11.029386 44.002625
2017-08-29 02:00:00 26.599007 0.114856 17.710304 1.899542 2.773213 7.100725 4.989526 19.128244 2.164662 0.041536 3.081705 3.965417 2.672351 25.109403 0.582909 0.413893 11.504299 43.317634
2017-08-30 02:00:00 26.630764 0.100228 16.742514 1.865723 2.560811 7.158615 4.326003 14.891317 2.228436 0.030702 3.129639 3.148480 2.542011 25.198063 0.527408 0.370532 10.970139 42.633497
2017-08-31 02:00:00 25.112052 0.101069 14.363601 1.663916 2.015289 6.220193 3.220247 15.582130 2.161802 0.014276 3.357727 1.936459 2.145381 23.773442 0.538766 0.194042 10.104623 41.556045

The energy production of the cantons have very different characteristics.

  • Aargau (AR) is obviously dominated by man-controlled energy sources, and this is no surprise since most of Switzerland's nuclear power is situated in Aargau.
  • The neighbor Solothurn (SO) also have a nuclear power plant and not much else.
  • Valais (VS), on the other hand, is high alpine region and its energy production is dominated by Hydroelectric energy. This is the source of the strong dependence of seasonality.
  • Bern (BE) and Jura (JU), have one nuclear power plant, but also high mountains which are home to hydroelectric, wind and photo-voltaic energy sources.

This visualization gives a hint at the energy strategy of the country; energy production is based on hydroelectric power, but nuclear compensates for periods when renewable energy is not meeting the needs of the country.


This post has demonstrated how to pivot and resample time series in Pandas and Spark. The data used for this exercise is real measurements of energy production in Switzerland. The resampled data shows evidence of where nuclear power plant and renewable energy sources are located.

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